Muhammad Dzulkifli
Muhammad Dzulkifli
Il y a plus de 10 ans
2 réponses

Hi All,

We've already received our 7 days JR pass and would like to ask how we can fully utilize it. Me, my wife and our 5 year old daughter will be reaching Narita on the 10th November 2014 and we will be flying off on the 20th November 2014. Here's our propose itinerary which we need assistance:

10th Nov: Narita Airport to Matsumoto
- we would like to utilize our JR Pass straight away and take an overnight bus to Matsumoto. Is there any JR bus that does this? We are doing this cause we want to save money by not staying in a hotel for a few hours.

11th Nov: Matsumoto to Kamikochi
- we have already booked a stay in Kamikochi. Would like to know how to go to Kamikochi from Matsumoto?

12th Nov: Kamikochi to Lake Towada or Takayama
- we would really need advice on how to go to lake towards as we read that buses are not available to Lake Towada. Is this correct? - if we can go to Lake Towada we will proceed to Takayama instead

13th Nov: Stay around Lake Towado or Takayama area

14th-16th: Kyoto

17th-20th: Tokyo

18922 poster
Il y a plus de 10 ans

Hello there,

Unfortunately I've got to start with bad news as there is no direct bus covered by the JR Pass from Narita Airport - Matsumoto. I guess that you could stay at Narita Airport for the night and travel on the next morning but my advise would be to find an accommodation and start your time in Japan relaxed.

There are direct buses from Matsumoto - Kamikochi, details can be found HERE.

Lake Towada is all the way north and on top of the main island of Japan. Going there on the 12th and then going to Kyoto would add way too much travel time. Instead I'd go to Takayama instead which makes much more sense in terms of routing.

Hope this helps,

Muhammad Dzulkifli
Muhammad Dzulkifli
2 poster
Il y a plus de 10 ans

Thank you for your reply Daniel. May I check whether there is an overnight bus to Matsumoto from Tokyo?

18922 poster
Il y a plus de 10 ans

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