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Is Rail Pass better than single tickets and how to return to Tokyo from Kyoto?

Il y a plus de 10 ans
1 réponse

Dear JR,

Please tell me, would Rail Pass be better than single tickets and how to get to Tokyo from Kyoto in time for my flight?

My itinerary is the following:

  • November 3rd
    • arrival to Narita Airport
    • travel from Narita Airport to Tokyo
  • November 8th
    • travel from Tokyo to Takayama
  • November 11th
    • travel from Takayama to Kyoto
  • November 13th
    • possibly travel from Takayama to Hiroshima and back to Takayama
  • November 15th
    • travel from Kyoto to Narita Airport
    • ATT! I should be there on time for my flight to London which departs at 11:20 AM

- Could I make all the above travels with Rail Pass? - Could I use Rail Pass for traveling from Narita to Tokyo as well? - If yes, would Rail Pass be better value than single tickets? - How can I get from Kyoto to Narita Airport in time for my flight? 5:40 train would be there only 1 hour before the flight departs and frankly that seems to be a bit too short a time. Is there an earlier train?

There are a lot of questions there, but hopefully you can take the time to answer them.

Kind regards,


18922 poster
Il y a plus de 10 ans

Hello Harpo,

A 7 day JR Pass could certainly be helpful here. However I would advise some replanning in order to make the best use of your JR Pass and avoid problems on the day of departure. My advise would be to return to either Tokyo or Narita on the 14th. This way you can cover all your otherwise expancive travel with the 7 day JR Pass and have a much more relaxed time going to the airport. Arriving at Narita with just 1H before departure is not something I would recommend as you could miss your flight at the slightest delay.

For the rest, it does look like a great itinerary. I love the visit to Takayama and Hiroshima, although I would not return to Takayama on the 13th from Hiroshima as this just adds extra travel time.

Hope this helps,

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