Il y a plus de 11 ans
24 réponses

Hi Daniel

9 days ago, you email to me a map of Kyoto attraction. In fact, I find it extremely useful for my planning. Can I ask you another favour? Can you also email to me all the attraction in Osaka ( I'm spending 3 nights in Osaka ). If I will to go Nara, it is better to go from Kyoto or Osaka.


18924 poster
Il y a plus de 11 ans

Hi Robin,

Of course I can :)
Here is a map of Osaka from the same website. I would also recommend this website to anyone visiting Osaka, as it has a great list of everything to do.

Traveling to Nara is about the same, whether you can from Kyoto or Osaka. I think finding the right train is easiest at Kyoto station but that is pretty much the only difference.

I Hope this helps!

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