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Kansai International Airport to tokyo

Il y a plus de 13 ans
3 réponses


I will arrive kansai airport in 29/02/2012 9:30pm.
Can i still can exchanged the actual pass?
Because i want direct overnight go to tokyo.

What are these individual train fare?
29/02/2012 : Kansai Airport - Tokyo
01/03/2012 : Tokyo
02/03/2012 : Tokyo (Disneyland)
03/03/2012 : Tokyo (DisneySea)
04/03/2012 : Tokyo - Nagano - Tokyo
05/03/2012 : Tokyo - Gotemba Premium Outlets - Tokyo
06/03/2012 : Tokyo - Osaka
07/03/2012 : Osaka - Kyoto - Osaka
08/03/2012 : Osaka (Universal Studio)
09/03/2012 : Osaka - Kansai Airport


1950 poster
Il y a plus de 13 ans

Hi there,

According to the list of exchange offices, the ticket office at Kansai airport is open until 23:00 to exchange JR Passes, so you should be fine arriving at 21:30.

For reference, here are the approximate costs of your proposed legs. You can find more costs and times for trains at the Hyperdia travel planning website.

Kansai airport > Tokyo: ¥15330, (264mins, 613km)
Tokyo > Tokyo disneyland station: ¥460, (264mins, 613km)
Tokyo disneyland station > Tokyo: ¥460, (264mins, 613km)
Tokyo > Tokyo disney sea: ¥460, (264mins, 613km)
Tokyo disney sea > Tokyo: ¥460, (264mins, 613km)
Tokyo > Nagano: ¥7770, (105mins, 222km)
Nagano > Tokyo: ¥7770, (106mins, 222km)
Tokyo > Gotemba: ¥4510, (102mins, 150km)
Gotemba > Tokyo: ¥4510, (93mins, 150km)
Tokyo > Osaka: ¥13550, (194mins, 556km)
Osaka > Kyoto: ¥540, (29mins, 42km)
Kyoto > Osaka: ¥540, (28mins, 42km)
Osaka > Kansai airport: ¥2940, (57mins, 64km)

TOTAL: ¥59,300 for 13 legs

Hope this helps!

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