Order Your JRPass
13 days ago
1 answer


We would like to ask for help regarding our trip to Japan. We will arrive in Tokyo on March 26th, where we will spend 7 nights. We would like to leave on April 1st for a cruise, for which we have already bought the 14-day JR PASS and the voucher has arrived, which we will activate at the airport from April 1st. We do not have any specific plans, but we do not want to visit the mass tourist destinations. We would like to travel by Shinkansen from Nagasaki to Hakkodate.
We would like to ask for your help in the following:
1. Could you recommend us some traditional small towns and villages that are not prominent tourist destinations?
2. We would also like to cycle between villages, which village is suitable for this?
3. Which app do we use to validate the JR PASS so that we do not have to pay for an additional ticket? We have already downloaded NAVITIME and selected it to only show JR routes.
4. We would like to start from the south and go north. Is it possible to get from Tokyo to Nagasaki on the first day?

Thanks: Adel&Zsolt

18959 posts
12 days ago

Hi Adel&Zsolt,

Thank you for your post, I love questions like these :)

1.) There are many, in Kyushu I can highly recommend Kurokawa Onsen. It can be a bit hard to access but you won't find many non-Japanese tourists there. Others would include Yamanaka Onsen (near Kanawaza), Shimoda (izu) and Wakura Onsen (though this last one is still recovering from Earthquake damage).

2.) The number one cycle destination is the Shimanami Kaido. It is a wonderful experience going from island to island and visiting the small villages along the way. It starts in Onomichi and you can go all the way to Shikoku, or just visit a few as you like. Alternatively, Kyoto is amazing to explore on bicycle.

3.) Navitime is the best, as you should be good with that.

4.) It is but it will mean spending most of your time on the train that day, for some that is a blessing for others not so much :)

Happy travels,

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