Order Your JRPass
18 days ago
1 answer

Hello, would like to get a JR pass but one of my ITs going to Kyoto (Round trip) includes Nozomi 69 and 102

But per your website, you need a pass when:

"You don't need the Nozomi or Mizuho class 'commuter' bullet trains"

I'm confused, if you can give me a clarifications that would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,

18959 posts
10 days ago

Hi there,

Thank you for your inquiry.

We typically do not recommend using the Nozomi trains, as they still require an extra fee when using the JR Pass. You can use the Hikari train services instead without any additional cost.

The trains are the same, but the difference is that the Hikari train makes a few more stops along the way.

We have a full post about the Nozomi ticket here.

Kind regards,

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