hi there guys.. I am planing to go to japan in 13 mars 2015 - 05 april 2015 and I was wondering what is the best way to use my JR rail pass or when =)
13: arrive in narita airport at 20:00 and I will stay in tokyo for today.
14: at 07:00 I want to head for hiroshima and I will stay for one day.
15: at 10:00 from hiroshima to sasebo.
16 at 19:30 from sasebo to miyazaki, can I leave at this time?
17: in miayzaki.
18: at 18:00 from miayzaki back to hiroshima.
19: at 18:00 from hiroshima to tokyo and I will stay there 3 days for an event.
22: at 19:00 from tokyo to MT.fuji and I will stay there for 2 days.
24: at 18:00 from fuji to Osaka and I will stay there 3 days.
27: at 18:00 from osaka to tokyo and I will stay there all the time to 5 april all this time will be for shopping.
is the time to depart from one city to the another possible? or should I change my departure from 18:00 to something more like 15:00? because I don't know when they open or close the station or when the last train is etc...
and what is the best ticket to have for this route? please keep in mind that I have a lot of events there so I don't think I can change the date of which I arrive to these city, but I don't mind if you give me any new route that I can take.
thank you so much =) and sorry about my english.