Ihren JR Pass bestellen
  • JR Pass and BookingNSR1234

    I’ll be traveling to Tokyo for nine days with the following itinerary: Arriving at Narita Airpo...
    vor 8 Tage
    1 Antwort
    318 Ansichten
    3 Tage
  • which regional passes to buy?moreroger

    Hi, we are travelling to Japan soon. Which regional pass to use? Our itinerary: (March 2025). Tha...
    vor 8 Tage
    1 Antwort
    207 Ansichten
    etwa 7 Stunden
  • Tokyo -Kyoto-OsakaLillian Chanei

    Travelling from Tokyo to Kyoto and then from Kyoto to Osaka. Which JR pass to purchase?
    vor 8 Tage
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    268 Ansichten
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  • On line seat booking with my green car passvrothwell

    Can you tell me how to book a seat on line with jr green car pass. Thank you
    vor 9 Tage
    1 Antwort
    834 Ansichten
    4 Tage
  • Should we get a JR pass?[email protected]

    Hello, My brother is in Japan for work and we will be visiting 4/2-4/15. We will be staying at h...
    vor 9 Tage
    1 Antwort
    245 Ansichten
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  • Traveling Tokyo - Osaka - Kyoto - ShinkansenSSilva

    Hello, i'm travelling between Tokyo - Osaka - Kyoto and would like to check if the JR Pass is val...
    vor 9 Tage
    1 Antwort
    1217 Ansichten
    4 Tage
  • Travelling to Japan for 3 weeks...is it rail pass worth it?Ricky1707

    Hi there, We are visiting Tokyo (5 days), Mt Fuji (3 days), Kyoto (5 days), Kashiwara (2days), N...
    vor 9 Tage
    1 Antwort
    247 Ansichten
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  • Is The JR Pass worth it, and which should we get? Here is our Iti...jabz

    HI we have 6 Adults, and 4 Children going to Japan in April. Here is our Itinerary: I think the ...
    vor 10 Tage
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    251 Ansichten
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  • Sporadic Usagebillylen

    I will be in Japan (Tokyo/Yokohama) for 3 days. I plan on visiting Kyoto or Hiroshima (one day) w...
    vor 10 Tage
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    528 Ansichten
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  • Newjkcroy

    I will be traveling with my family of 5 from Tokyo to Osaka and Kyoto. Which would be the best pa...
    vor 10 Tage
    1 Antwort
    952 Ansichten
    7 Tage
  • what pass to buy ? od

    hi i will arrive to Tokyo at 4/5/25 . This is my trip . What pass to buy ? what abut the Tohoko p...
    vor 10 Tage
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    734 Ansichten
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  • what pass to buy ? od

    hi i will arrive to Tokyo at 4/5/25 . This is my trip . What pass to buy ? what abut the Tohoko p...
    vor 10 Tage
    1 Antwort
    613 Ansichten
    7 Tage
  • Travelling from Osaka to Tokyo, Kyoto And Hiroshimaleoceniza

    First, aside from the price difference we would like to know the difference between the regular...
    vor 10 Tage
    1 Antwort
    19 Ansichten
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  • Does the JR ticket pay off for me?GabrielJany

    Hello there :) I am Visiting Japan in may and have a question. Me and my Friend, both 18+ , are...
    vor 11 Tage
    1 Antwort
    13 Ansichten
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  • Advice on which JR pass to get. Rajiv

    We arrive in Osaka on 26 th March 2025, at 2 pm. Then we proceed to Kyoto where our hotel stay is...
    vor 11 Tage
    1 Antwort
    20 Ansichten
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  • JR Pass or Hokkaido & Tohoku South Hokkaido Rail Pass combination[email protected]

    I will be flying to New Chitose then spending 21 days in Hokkaido using Hokkaido Pass & renta...
    vor 11 Tage
    1 Antwort
    27 Ansichten
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  • 9 days: Kansai airport-> Osaka-> kyoto/kobe->Fukuoka->Kansai airportHj

    Hi, would like to check: 1) which JR pass type would best suited for my above itinerary. 2) Wha...
    vor 11 Tage
    1 Antwort
    29 Ansichten
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  • Permanent Resident CardKellyT

    Hello, We will be travelling from Canada and would like to purchase a 7 day rail pass. It says th...
    vor 11 Tage
    1 Antwort
    652 Ansichten
    8 Tage
  • Choosing the correct JR Passkrish

    Hi, I'm Krish. I am traveling to Japan in late May till Mid- June. My itinerary is as follows: Da...
    vor 11 Tage
    1 Antwort
    23 Ansichten
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  • Is a 14-day pass right for this itinerary?Beege

    Hi, Please help me understand if a 14-day JR Pass (we'd prefer the Green pass) is the right one f...
    vor 11 Tage
    1 Antwort
    339 Ansichten
    3 Tage


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