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This is my itinerary. Is the JR pass worth it?

vor etwa 2 Monate
1 Antwort

Hello - I have tried working out whether the JR pass is worth buying based on my itinerary below but it seems close!
Can anyone help? TIA

Mar 30 Tokyo - Osaka
Mar 31 Osaka - Kiitanabe
(Hiking the Kumano Koto) 06 April Kiikatsuura - Kyoto
Kyoto - Hiroshima Hiroshima - Kyoto Kyoto - Himeji Himeji - Kyoto Kyoto - Nara Nara - Kyoto 11 April Kyoto - Tokyo
11 April Tokyo-  Narita

I'm guessing I'd either get a 7-day pass to cover the 06 -11 April journeys OR a 14-day pass for the whole lot.

Thank you!

148 posten
vor etwa ein Monat

Hi there,

It is a great idea to use a 7-day JR Pass, activating it on the 5th of April to cover your travel from the 5th to the 11th.

This would allow you to take advantage of the JR Pass for your longer journeys while using individual tickets for local travel, which is more cost-effective.

Orders can be placed here.

I hope this helps!

Kind Regards,


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