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From Tokyo to Nagano (Snow monkey Park), Mt Fuji, Osaka, Kyoto and back to Tokyo

vor etwa ein Jahr
4 Antworten

Hi Everyone,

we are 3 adult and 1 child will arrived at 11/4/2024 - 19/04/2024, which destination is better to visit 1st? what transport we could take? is there possible to not taking Shinkansen and just taking a general train?

Arigatou >_<

1222 posten
vor etwa ein Jahr

Hi there,

If you start in Tokyo, you can make your way to Nagano, then across the Hokuriku Arch to Kyoto/Osaka, and then return to Tokyo via Shin-Fuji.

For this itinerary I would strongly recommend taking the Shinkansen train, as some routes don't offer a regular train connection and others will take drastically longer than using the shinkansen bullet trains.

A 7-Day JR Pass will be a similar price to purchasing your tickets individually, and so I would recommend purchasing one for your itineraary.

Hope this helps!


4 posten
vor etwa ein Jahr


Thank you! We are arrive to Haneda on 11/4 and depart from Narita at 19/4. for family of 4 members.

Going out from Tokyo on 14/4 to to Nagano (Snow monkey Park), Mt Fuji, Osaka, Kyoto return to Tokyo at 19/4. Which options should I choose for order JR Pass?

Arigatou >_<

4 posten
vor etwa ein Jahr

Also please to give me a link to buy a right tickets please :)


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