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Airport & Hotel transfers with JR Pass (Family with young kids)

vor mehr als 11 Jahre
3 Antworten

Hi. We are a family of 5 (2 adults, 3 kids). Plan to land via Kansai airport, stay in Japan for 7-8 days, and leave via Narita Airport. As we will be traveling with young children with the 7 day JR Pass, we have 3 questions:
(1) from Kansai Airport, how do we use the JR Pass or what mode of transportation would be best to go to Namba - plan to stay at Swissotel Nankai Osaka - please teach us how to go from KIX to Namba; (2) How far by foot is Swissotel Nankai from a JR train station in Namba and (3) how do you transfer from a JR Pass Namba Station to Shinjuku Station (we plan to stay at Keio Plaza Hotel Tokyo).

Many thanks.

We would appreciate your detailed response.

Jocelyn Ong

18924 posten
vor mehr als 11 Jahre

Hi Jocelyn,

Its a great plan you have to visit Japan, so I hope I can help a little with it.

1.) You can take the Airport express from Kansai Airport with the JR Pass heading for Osaka station. When you see the station Tennoji or Shin Imamija get out and transfer to the JR Yamatoji Line Local heading to JR Namba. Here is an example route in Hyperdia.

2.) Here is [a map] from JR Namba to your Hotel. I think it will take between 5-10 on foot to your hotel the first time and a little faster once you get familiarized with the route.

3.) Here's is the full route from JR Namba to Shinjuku by JR Only, this is a little complicated as you can see. Instead I would suggest taking the subway from Namba Subway station to Shin-Osaka. This is 270Yen a person but will simplify the route a lot. Here is the subway route in Hyperdia.
Alternatively you could take a taxi from your hotel to Shin-Osaka to simplify your travel.

I hope this helps!

PS: All options in Hyperdia are already set to make the best use in Hyperdia, so feel free to adjust the time/date.

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