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Kansai Wide area pass

vor fast 6 Jahre
3 Antworten


I previously asked this question: I'll be traveling in central Kyoto and Gion area and noticed that the JR line only runs south and North West so buying a JR Pass wouldn't be useful for me but a Kansai pass would be and was advised this is correct. But now on closer inspection the Kansai area pass seems to also only be for JR trains so it looks like I won't be able to make use of it either since the lines running where I'll be traveling are called Karasuma Line, Tozai Line which are both subway lines and Keihan Railway which to my understanding aren't JR lines? What would your advise be for someone who will be making use of these line and only be traveling central Kyoto where there doesn't seem to be any JR lines - is there a certain pass for other non JR lines or is a suica card the best option. I'll still be purchasing a JR pass for Tokyo it's just my Kyoto part of my trip which seems to be an issue

18954 posten
vor fast 6 Jahre

Hi there,

This is correct, the Kyoto subway is not included in the JR Kansai Pass. Since there are many different kinds of lines for local travel around Kansai, the easiest way would just be to grab a Suica card (or similar) and use that to travel around. A Kansai Pass makes sense if you travel between different cities.

Hope this helps,

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