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Exchange order & reservations

vor 4 Monate
1 Antwort


I am interested to buy the Kansai-Hiroshima area pass. Does the exchange order have to be mailed to me? I lave in 5 days and Canada's postal service is on strike. Can I purchase the pass online and pick up the exchange order in Japan?

On some sites it says that the pass includes 6 seat reservations but the limitations say seat reservations are not included.


1239 posten
vor 3 Monate

Hi there,

Yes - you will receive an e-ticket via email that will allow you to go a JR Ticket office and pick up a copy of the pass from there. Seat reservations are included with the pass at no additional cost, but you need to make them yourself - the first 6 reservations can be made on a ticket machine, but any other reservations must be made at a ticket desk.

Kind regards,


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