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Osaka-Tokyo Hokuriku Arch Pass: Tokyo-Kyoto-Osaka

vor etwa ein Jahr
2 Antworten

I plan to purchase this regional pass (2 passes for 14 days) for this potential itinerary. Please let me know if that makes sense.

Week 1: TOKYO: airport - hotel
- Tokyo Narita arrival (date TBD): I will pick up and activate my first regional pass at the airport.

QUESTION 1: Can I use the Greet and Meet service at airport even though this is not the national JRpass? I intend to use this service to activate my passes and reserve some major train rides for the following weeks.

  • I will go to hotel in Tokyo using JRpass train for free, right?
  • Local traveling by trains/monorails in Tokyo.
  • A couple of road trips (TBD) using JRpass trains. I assume those train rides are covered and I can make reservation for those trips online if necessary.

- If I use this regional pass to go from Tokyo to Kyoto, it will be longer (for traveling the Hokuriku arch). But the ride cost is included in the pass? A stop over for a day along the way as suggested, maybe.

  • If I buy a direct Tokyo-Kyoto train instead, I will spend less time on the train but pay an additional cost, right? How much does this train ride cost?

- Some road trips from Kyoto to neighboring cities. - Local train rides in Kyoto - Then i'll go down to Osaka on the LAST DAY of my 2nd regional pass (by that midnight).

OSAKA - KIX airport
- After staying in Osaka for a couple of days, I can take a short train ride to the airport and pay for an individual ticket.

QUESTION 2: Is it easy to locate JRpass locations for questions during my 2 week pass?

1239 posten
vor etwa ein Jahr

Hi Hannah, a lot to unpack!

Hokuriku Pass will work fine for your itinerary. And yes, the Meet and Greet Service is still available without a regular JR Pass.

The Hokuriku Pass includes the JR Yamanote line (if that's what you mean by JR Pass line) so as long as you're close to one of those stations you should be good. Any day trips you make will be covered as long as the trains you ride are included with the Hokuriku Pass. Seat reservations can be made for free.

A one-way ticket on the Shinkansen between Tokyo and Kyoto is about £75 GBP, but the journey time is reduced; it depends on what you'd rather prioritise.

If you need help with anything relating to your pass, there are plenty of Tourist information/JR Travel centres in the city or inside JR train stations. Tourist information centres can be found in Osaka, Tokyo and Kyoto, so if you need any guidance they'll be there to help!

Kind regards,


2 posten
vor etwa ein Jahr

Thank you so much, Alexis.

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