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Getting to Korea from Kyushu

vor etwa 13 Jahre
8 Antworten

I want to go to South Korea on Jan 22. Is the JR beetle the cheapest way. I am coming from Tokyo. Which port should I go to? Fukuoka?.

Also my JR pass expires on Jan 22 so when I return from Korea I will need to pay my own way back. What is my best/cheapest option when returning to Tokyo.

Thanks again,

1950 posten
vor etwa 13 Jahre

Hi there - The beetle is one way, but there are many other options for getting to S.Korea from Japan available on the Korea Tourism website. I think the Camelia sleeper Ferry looks like the cheapest option.

Probably one of the cheapest way back to Tokyo from Fukuoka will be a night bus (Nishitetsu runs a bus to Tokyo), but if you don't mind the extra trips to and from the airports, then a direct cheap flight with Skymark can also be a good option, costing somewhere in the region of ¥13,000 for the very cheapest time/day.

Hope this helps!

8 posten
vor etwa 13 Jahre

Thanks for your help Mari!
I think I'm going to fly Tokyo to Seoul return instead. It will be the same price but only a couple hours travel.

Thanks again,

1950 posten
vor etwa 13 Jahre

Great stuff - hope you enjoy it!

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