Ihren JR Pass bestellen
vor mehr als 11 Jahre
7 Antworten


My wife and I are travelling to Japan from April 3 - 15, 2014 (12 nights, 11 days) and will be flying
in and out of Narita airport.

We want to visit Tokyo, Osaka, and Kyoto and need some transportation advice to plan our trip.
We do plan to buy a 1 week JR pass, but since it does not cover our trip time span, we need some
advice/help to plan our travelling wisely to maximize the use and minimize our transportation costs.

April 3 - Arrival at Narita Airport at 05:05 pm, we plan to stay in Shinjuku/Shibuya area.
April 3 - 9: Tokyo (6 nights, 7 days)
April 9 - 13: Tokyo to Osaka (4 nights, 5 days)
April 13 - 15: Osaka to Kyoto (2 nights, 3 days)
April 15 - Kyoto to Narita Airport to catch our flight at 07:50 pm.
Since this is our 13th day, please note that one week JR Pass has expired.

Any advice will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you very much.

18932 posten
vor mehr als 11 Jahre

Hi there!

I would use your 7 day JR Pass from April 9th (the day that you set off for Osaka) until April 15th. You will have all your expansive travel cover by the JR Pass and can buy local tickets or day passes for travel around Tokyo. A convenient ticket to use in Tokyo is the All day Tokyo Metro Pass.

For your travel from Narita Airport to Tokyo consider the [Narita Express + Suica package], which offers a discounted ride on the Narita Express into the heart of Tokyo and a Suica card that you can use to travel around on almost any kind of transportation in Tokyo.

Have a save journey!

7 posten
vor mehr als 11 Jahre

Arigatou Gozaimasu Daniel-san, you are a great help to everyone!

take care, ers27d

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