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10 Day Trip: First Time to Japan!

vor mehr als 11 Jahre
4 Antworten

I will be traveling to Japan in October with my fiance for the first time!

As a noobie, I have some Q's regarding how I should stagger my trip. I want to hit up Tokyo, Mt Fuji, Osaka, Kyoto, Nara (for the Deer park!) and Kobe (for the Beef!)

Should I do:
-Tokyo for 4 days (Day trip to Mt Fuji) -Osaka for 4 days (Day trips to Kyoto, Kobe, and Nara) -Return to Tokyo for another 2? (Last minute shopping).

I was thinking of ending my stay in Tokyo so it's closer to Narita Airport...though I wonder if that's efficient. Also, is 10 days too ambitious to catch everything?

I would also like to check out some Matsuri in October, but don't know which to hit up.

We are also big foodies, so any recommendations on some hidden gems (non-touristy) for Ramen, Okonomiyaki and other Izakayas are greatly appreciated!


18932 posten
vor mehr als 11 Jahre

Hi there :D

Nice plan! Not to spoil it but Kobe been is amazingly tasty (and expansive), do try it!

Your plan looks great too, a little extra time here and there for be nice for sure (especially Kyoto) but this will work out absolutely fine. I assume you would make use of the 7 day JR Pass, so be sure to plan your travel back to Tokyo within it's validity period, although that kinda speaks for itself.

I don't know the exact dates that you will visit in Japan but if you have the chance on the 22nd of October, head out to Kyoto for the Jidai festival, more information here too.

As for Japanese local (hidden) food establishments, check out this website for the Osaka region, there's some really good stuff to be had.

I hope this helps!

4 posten
vor mehr als 11 Jahre

Thanks a bunch for your help and links Daniel!

My wallet will be crying when I hit up Kobe, I'm sure.
I'm also hoping to catch a Sumo Wrestling match. Do they still operate during October?

Also, how is the nightlife in Tokyo/Osaka? We would like to hit up some good nightclubs/bars that are not full of foreigners. We want to experience the nightlife as the locals do!

18932 posten
vor mehr als 11 Jahre

Hi Again!

Kobe beef can go up and above 20.000Yen for a single serving, so pick your restaurant carefully ;)

About Sumo, I actually have never been to a Sumo match myself but I have some information from friends who have.
There are 6 Sumo big tournaments a year throughout Japan. Unfortunately they don't take place in October (there is one is September and November though. This website is where you can buy tickets if you plan to visit any of the tournaments.

I absolutely love the nightlife in Japan, with or without other foreigners. However if you wish to avoid to bigger part of the Gaijin Invasion skip on Roppingi and head to either Shibuya or Ikebukero in Tokyo. Both areas offer much in terms of clubs and bars that are less frequented by foreigners. In Osaka head to Namba after midnight, there are more people on the street than, than there are during the day and things can get pretty crazy. There's a lot of bars and local establishments around and it is not strange to get invited by locals to share a drink.

4 posten
vor mehr als 11 Jahre

Yikes...I gotta save up big time for Kobe.

Thanks again for your advice Daniel!
I will definitely check out some watering holes at Shibuya + Ikebukero!

4 posten
vor mehr als 11 Jahre

On a side note:

Does anybody recommend any Android Apps to help navigate Tokyo and Osaka's subway stations? Ideal if they work when OFFline and can determine best route when given a Starting and Ending location?

Thanks all!

18932 posten
vor mehr als 11 Jahre

Hi again!

I don't have an offline add that you could use. However I have found that Japan Trains is very useful and works in both Tokyo, Osaka and the rest of Japan. You can look up a route when you have internet available and save a screenshot for later use.

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