Order Your JRPass
about 1 month ago
2 responses

Hello everyone, I will be traveling to Japan for the first time in May for 1 week from USA, but I'm starting to get stressed with the rail system, I will travel from Narita airport to Tokyo, then Kyoto and Osaka and back in the same order, and use of local and airport lines, would be worth it to buy the Hokuriku Arch Pass or just put money on a PASMO/ Suica card.
What is the weather usually like in May?
Should I exchange currency in the US or at the airport once I'm in Japan?
I would really appreciate any help/ advice, Thanks in advance.

628 posts
about 1 month ago

Hi there,

Hokuriku Pass seems like a good option for you, and will include travel to and from airports.

Weather in May is very spring-like - the cherry blossoms properly flower around this time and so while not extremely hot I'd expect the days to be quite sunny with maybe some breeze. I can't rule out rain, however, so maybe bring a travel umbrella.

In terms of exchange rates, it depends on what the foreign exchanges offer locally compared to Narita - here are the exchange rates at Narita.

Hope this helps!


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