

Only in Japan!
Nishikyushu ShinkansenNishikyushu Shinkansen

The Nagasaki Shinkansen: Kyushu’s New Bullet Train

Starting September 23, 2022 JR Kyushu will start operating Japan’s latest state-of-the-art bullet train. Directly connecting Nagasaki city to Fukuoka (Hakata station), reducing travel time by 30 minutes.
Neon in JapanNeon in Japan

Japans Top 10 Neon Destinations

Explore Japans top 10 destinations where neon lights fill the darkness of the night with endless combinations of dazzle and glitter.




Amarube Bridge and ViaductAmarube Bridge and Viaduct

Amarube Bridge And Viaduct: Japan’s Most Iconic Railway Bridge

A true monument to Japans railway history, with beautiful views over the Sanin coastline. An off-the-beaten-track destination worth a detour.
Toshogu Shrine in HiroshimaToshogu Shrine in Hiroshima

The Toshogu Shrine In Hiroshima

Established in 1648, the Toshogu shrine pays tribute to the first Shogun of Tokugawa Shogunate, Tokugawa Ieyasu. Build on the foot of mount Futabayama, it provides scenic views over the city and caste of Hiroshima.


了解箱根周遊券和其他當地通票為何讓日本的火車旅行更便宜、更輕鬆,以及為什麼它們是 JR 通票的完美伴侶。
Japan’s Coastline By TrainJapan’s Coastline By Train

Japan’s Coastline By Train

Famous for its beautiful coastline and its trains, Japan offers the best of both worlds with some of the world’s most scenic seaside railways.
Rural Train Journeys In JapanRural Train Journeys In Japan

Best Rural Train Journeys In Japan

The Japanese countryside is exceptionally beautiful, and we think the best way to see it is by train. Let’s take a look at the best rural train journeys.

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