Order Your JRPass
11 days ago
1 answer
  1. Do you deliver JR pass in India?
  2. JR Pass activation process?
  3. How to book online ticket before activation on Shinkansen using JR pass.
  4. Do I have to use tickets or JR pass every time Travel?
  5. How to book tickets for trains which are partially covered by JR and balance amount.
1209 posts
4 days ago

Hi there,

Yes, we deliver to India!

The process is as follows: when you order your JR Pass we ship the exchange order to you in India, which you take abroad with you to Japan and use it to exchange your JR Pass at JR ticket offices/desks, which can be found inside JR-operated stations.

You'll need to have activated the JR Pass or set an activation date at one of these ticket offices before you can begin making reservations, however once you do this you are free to begin making reservations at the same ticket office right after activating.

You can choose to purchase individual tickets if you want, but if you are travelling using a a reservation made with the JR Pass please carry it with you along with your passports.

For question no. 5 I am a bit unsure as to what you mean by 'trains which are partially covered by JR': if a certain railway is partially covered, then you'd use the JR Pass to make a reservation between the station you leave from and the last station available with the JR Pass, to which point you can then book a separate ticket for the rest of the journey that wouldn't have been covered by the JR Pass.

Kind regards,


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