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re: full use of the 7 days jr pass

nancy evangelista
nancy evangelista
over 11 years ago
2 answers

good day!

we're a group of 4 vsiting tokyo and osaka for the first time. i heard buying a jr pass will be the best way to visit japan. i would like to ask your advice on how to make use of the 7 days jr pass if we're staying for 11 days given the itinerary below:
aug 14 arrival at narita airport and check in at shinagawa prince , visit edo museum, sumo stadium and skytree. if time permits, visit akihabara
aug 15 join nikko day tour by gojapan go
aug 16 join grayline fuji hakone day tour by motorcoach
aug 17 gotemba mall
aug 18 join grayline full day city tour of tokyo
aug 19 can we take a bullet train from shibuya to kyoto using the 7days jr pass
aug 20 can we use the jr pass from kyoto to osaka. also can we use the jr pass inside osaka like if i go to universal studios
aug 21 can i use the jr pass for bullet train from osaka to shibuya excel hotel tokyo
aug22 and 23 can i use the jr pass to tokyo disneyland as well.
aug 24 go to back to narita airport

also, do all the day tour in japan include transportation so that s why its not necessary to buy a jr pass if you're joining tours.

hope to hear from you soon....best regards:)

18924 posts
over 11 years ago

Hi there!

Thank you for posting your itinerary, this ways makes planning for me a lot easier.
You could either start using the pass on day 17 to cover your trip to Gotemba or start using it on day 18 so travel back to Narita Airport would be covered. Price wise a return Gotemba will cost more but you can take a bus directly to Tokyo which may be convenient if you did a lot of shopping.

The JR Pass will cover all of the remaining travel you wish to do (including Shibuya - Kyoto, Kyoto - Osaka, inside Osaka, to Universal city, bullet train back to Tokyo and travel to Disneyland).

I hope this helps!

nancy evangelista
nancy evangelista
2 posts
over 11 years ago

thank you for the very helpful advice daniel san. hoping we could really shop many things, your advice was to take the bus because it brings us directly to shinagawa but it will just cost more compared to using the jr pass. is this what you were trying to say? if so, how much does the bus fare cost? will using the jr pass from gotemba to tokyo require getting off more to transfer to another train? since i bought only a 7 days jr pass and it will be consumed before i go back to my country. what would you suggest i ride from tokyo to narita airport? i was thinking of taking the linousinebus because of my 3 luggages. is this a good idea?

18924 posts
over 11 years ago

Hi Again!

Yes the bus costs 1540Yen/one way from Shinjuku (Tokyo). The train is 4,600Yen / one way and involves 2 transfers so it may be better to take the bus if you shop a lot.

You could than use the JR Pass for travel to Narita Aiport with the Narita Express (this is a very convenient way of travel). Than again you could also use the Limousine bus too directly from your hotel.

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