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Can you send to Montenegro?

almost 12 years ago
9 answers

My wife and I want to go back to Japan. Visit Tokyo, Kyoto, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Osaka. We have a couple of questions. Was 7 days (14 days) rail pass is valid for Narita ekress? Do you apply svuh between towns to be visited? Is this true in cities in the metro system?
Is it possible to directly pay the visa or mastercart (pajpal available in Montenegro)
Do you send a voucher for Montenegro?

Thanks in advance
P.s. We apologize for the poor translation, Google Translate

18919 posts
almost 12 years ago

Hi there!

Sorry by Serbian is not very good, so I hope you don't mind my replay in English.

The JR Pass is valid on the Narita Express between Tokyo and Narita Airport and you can use the JR Pass on local train lines in Tokyo too, it unfortunately can't be used on the metro though.

We both accept Mastercard and Visa and we do ship to Serbia!

Sorry I did not understand all of your questions due to Google Translate, if you still have questions please post them in Serbian and I will ask someone to interpret them for me.

Hope this helps,

9 posts
almost 12 years ago

Hvala na brzom odgovoru

Da li saljete u Crnu Goru (Crna Gora je drzava susjed Srbiji ) ?

Da li rail pass mozemo koristiti izmedju Tokyo-Kyoto- Hirosima -Nagasaki ,-Osaka ?

hvala jos jednom

9 posts
almost 12 years ago

Hvala na brzom odgovoru

Da li saljete u Crnu Goru (Crna Gora je drzava susjed Srbiji ) ?

Da li rail pass mozemo koristiti izmedju Tokyo-Kyoto- Hirosima -Nagasaki ,-Osaka ?

hvala jos jednom

18919 posts
almost 12 years ago

Hi Again,

Yes we can send it to Thank you for your prompt response

Yes we can send the JR Pass to Montenegro, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

And Yes, you can use the JR Pass to travel between, Tokyo, Kyoto, Hiroshima, Nagasaki and Osaka. The trip is fully covered by the JR Pass, so no problem!

Prijatno :)

9 posts
almost 12 years ago

hvala puno

24 posts
almost 12 years ago

Hello Daniel San + Budva

as luck would have it... I never thought I would be able to help anybody on this JR Forum BUT ... I am happy to offer my translation services as I am of Serbian origin and speak the language.. should Google translate fail.. :)
( I am a translator/interpretor by profession lol)

I am sure you will recognize my name as I have also been posting questions and you kindly answered them !

(now something in Serbian for travellers from Montenegro)

Dragi putnici namernici iz Budve..
Ako imate neko pitanje.. (ja nisam ekspert za Japan ) ali sam prevodilac po zanimanju drage volje cu Vam prevesti sta treba,.. ja se isto tako spremam za Japan (prvi put) pa koristim ovaj forum za svoja pitanja.

Kind regards / Lep pozdrav


9 posts
almost 12 years ago

Dc hvala . lijepo je vidjeti da ima ovdje jos nasih .
nadam se da smo se razmujeli mi i danijel-san . Pitali smo ga da rail pas vazi na linijama Tokyo-Kyoto . Kyoto-Hirosima . Hirosima -Tokyo . I da li vazi na loklnim mrezama u Tokyu , Kyotu i Horosimi .

18919 posts
almost 12 years ago

Hey DC!

Thank you for chiming in!

Let me know if I can assist in any further way.

24 posts
almost 12 years ago

Hello Budvaa

Provericu jos jednom pitanje /odgovor jer koliko znam JR Pass ne vazi na svim linijama u Tokiju (samo odredjene linije, to je nesto kao gradska lokalna zeleznica jer je metro posebna organizacija gde ne vazi JR pass.
Evo pitanja... a pitanje za Vas ..kada planirate ici na put ?
Lep Pozdrav

Hey Daniel san

the question from Montenegro was if they can use the JR pass for the local networks IN TOKYO, KYOTO and HIROSHIMA and on the train network between Tokyo/ Kyoto and Hiroshima.
I am sure its valid on certain trains between the cities but pls confirm all, for good order.
Many thanks


18919 posts
almost 12 years ago

Hi Budvaa and DC :)

You can use the JR Pass on local JR lines in Tokyo and around the Kyoto area but other kinds of transport like the Tokyo metro unfortunately are not covered. Hiroshima does not have a local train network but still has a tram network that is fun to ride, do note that the trams don't accept the JR Pass.

The trains between the big cities (Tokyo, Kyoto and Hiroshima) are all covered by the JR Pass, including the high speed Shinkansen.

Enjoy the ride! and thank you for the translation help!

24 posts
almost 12 years ago

Thank you Daniel san...

I will translate for Budvaa travellers..


"JR pass mozete koristiti na lokalnim JR lnijama u Tokiju i u Kjotu. Druge vrste prevoza kao npr Tokijo metro nije pokriven ovim pasom (kartom). U Hirosimi ne postoji lokalna mreza vozova ali oni imaju tramvaje koji su interesantni ali oni isto NE prihvataju JR kartu.

Uglavnom na svim brzim ( Shinkansen) ili Metak vozovima izmedju velikih gradova ( Tokijo, Kjoto i Hirosima ) mozete koristiti ovaj JR pass.

Uzivajte na voznji !

Lep pozdrav DC

9 posts
almost 12 years ago

dc hvala

i da Vas jos malo iskoristm . ako mozete Danijel-san da pitate koliko dana nam preporucuje za posjetu Kyoto , Hirosima i Osaka . U Tokiyu imamo da posjetimo samo novi toranj jersmo bili u martu a on je otvoren u maju . i mozda bi posjetili neki grad sjeverno od Tokya pa sta bi on preporucio .

24 posts
almost 12 years ago

Dear Daniel san

there is a communication from Montenegro so I will translate for you :)

" Can you pls ask Daniel san how many days would he recommend for visiting Kyoto, Hiroshima and Osaka. In Tokyo we only have to see the new Tower as were were there in March ..and the Tower is being open in May. We would possibly visit a city or town north of Tokyo - what would he recommend?"

over to you Daniel san...

Za Budvu... evo prevoda gore, zeljno ocekujemo odgovor ... Laku noc

18919 posts
almost 12 years ago

Hi again!

I would say stay at least 2 nights in Kyoto to get a feel for the city, Kyoto really has a lot to offer so you won't be bored at all. You can also make a couple of great day trips from Kyoto, like Nara and Kobe.

As for the north of Tokyo, 2 places come into mind. The first is Nikko, that is home to many great cultural assets, it is a great place to visit for a day. The 2nd place is Sendai, this is an other big city to the north of Tokyo and can be reached by Shinkansen. From there I would certainly recommend a visit to Matsushima.

Back to you DC ;)

18919 posts
almost 12 years ago

Hi again!

I would say stay at least 2 nights in Kyoto to get a feel for the city, Kyoto really has a lot to offer so you won't be bored at all. You can also make a couple of great day trips from Kyoto, like Nara and Kobe.

As for the north of Tokyo, 2 places come into mind. The first is Nikko, that is home to many great cultural assets, it is a great place to visit for a day. The 2nd place is Sendai, this is an other big city to the north of Tokyo and can be reached by Shinkansen. From there I would certainly recommend a visit to Matsushima.

Back to you DC ;)

9 posts
almost 12 years ago


razmumjeo sam Daniel-sana

jos ovaj prevod i vise vas necu daviti .

dva dana Kyoto (sa Nara ,Kobe )
jedan dan Hirosima
jedan dan Nikko
jedan dan Sendai
jedan dan Hirosaki

i da li se isplati uzeti prvu klasu rall pass

hvala DC

24 posts
over 11 years ago

Hello to Danieal san and Budva

I apologise for the slow response.. we had glorious sunshine after...7 months of winter in the UK so I was doing some gardening ! Not very glam but it was lovely!

I will translate from English first tand then ask the questions in English..

(izvinjavam se zbog sporog prevoda, kod nas je najzad stiglo sunce i prolece pa sam radila u svojoj djul basti..bez tehnologije i telefona) Prevod Daniel sanovog pisma:

" Ja bih ostamo min 2 noci u Kjotu, da osetim kako dise grad..Kjoto nudi puno toga i nece Vam biti dosadno. Mozete i otici na izlet u Naru ili Kobe . Sto se tice dela severno od Tokija.. 2 mesta ..Nikko, mesto puno kulturnog blaga, i lepo je mesto za dnevnu posetu..
Drugo mesto je Sendai, veliki grad severno od Tokija do kojeg mozete stici Shinkanen vozom. Odatle bih Vam preporucio posetu Matsushima. (U pismu gore je vec link ako kliknete na gard..)

Nije prevod ali evo jos moj komentar..
Inace Daniel san nije napomenuo u pismu ali mi idemo isto u Hiroshimu a odatle idemo na ostrvo Miyajima koje je oko 1h vozom/brodom i kazu da je jako lepo.. to mozda isto mozete ukljuciti u posetu.
Da li znate datume kada idete .. "da se nadjemo na kafi" sto kazu nasi :)
Sada cu postaviti pitanje vezano za prvu klasu.. Zelim Vam prijatan dan !

Daniel san - question for you from Budvaaa

Is it worth to buy 1st class travel pass please ( what are the benefits etc) and a question from me.. is there freeWiFi on the Shinkansen /regular trains / stations ? ( its not avail @ UK but was avail on AmTrack @ Usa....)

Many thanks and have a great day / week.
Kind regards

18919 posts
over 11 years ago

Hi DC and Budva :)

and Good Morning, the weather is here finally good too!

As for first class, personally I love it! The number one reason why you should consider it is the extra quiet and comfort that it offers. We also have a blog post about it I recently completed a 3 week journey with the Green Class and it was great! (no crying babies, always a seat of your choice, some trains in the north of Japan serve free drinks for green class travelers).

As for WiFi, free WiFi not regularly available, JR East does offer free wifi now on all of its stations but other its not yet available in other places. Personally I use this service which has many hot spots in Japan and its free to use for the first month, so you probably won't have any costs for it (its 380 Yen/month) after.

Again many thanks for the translation DC :) I believe this is becoming one of the topics with the most posts on the forum :)

Best regards,

9 posts
over 11 years ago
24 posts
over 11 years ago

Hello Daniel san

thank you for your email. I will translate - I hope the topic is interesting due to superb info you provide and the translation twist added !!
Thank you for the info re Wifi - I will certainly use it .

I will translate now:

Prevoz za putnike iz Budve..

(pretpostavljam da ste iz Budve ..) Daniel san kaze da on voli da putuje prvom klasom! Prvi razlog je da je veoma tiho i da imate dodatni komfor . Nedavno su imali jedan blog o tome ( poslao je link gore ali ja ga jos nisam videla / prevela ali mogu ako hocete) .On je nedavno putovao 3 nedelje u Zelenoj klasi i bilo je dobro ( nema beba koje placu, uvek imate da birate koje sediste hocete, i neki vozovi na severu Japan nude besplatno pice (pretpostavljam ne alkoholne sokove) za putnike u Zelenoj klasi.
Ja sam ga licno pitala vezano za Wifi da li nude u vozovima i njego odgovor je da ne nude svudge, JR Istok nudi besplatan Wifi na svojim linijama i stanicama .Posalo je link za jednu firmu koja nudi besplatan Wifi za prvi mesec..a posle otkazete ..( inace je 380 yen/mesec)
Pise isto da ova nasa tema veoma popularna na forumu.

Lep pozdrav

18919 posts
over 11 years ago

Hi DC,

Since no further replays have been posted, I assume that for now no further help is needed.
So I just would like to say thank you for helping me out with the kindly provided translation!
Its been a fun topic and makes work on the forum very interesting.

All the best,

24 posts
over 11 years ago

Hello Daniel san

thank you for your email. You are very welcome in regards to the translations!
The visitors from Budva are considering the timings and travel arrangements and I am sure they will be "back " if they need some further travel arrangements but they are def going back either this summer or for the next Cherry Blossom season in 2014.

My travel plans are also set but I will post a question re time-table once our flights are confirmed.
The JR pass arrived last week in the post - very exciting!

Have a good day and than you for your help in this particular post.

Kind regards

9 posts
over 11 years ago

Hvala Dc , hvala Daniel-san

Definitivno idemo krajem jula mjeseca , zbog vize mozemo ostati maksimum 15 dana .

Jedino sto jos razmisljamo je da li da budemo pola vremena u Kyoto pola u Tokyu ili svih 15 dana u Tokyu .

Od Hiroshime do Hirosake planiramo sve (koliko je moguce naravno) posjetiti , svaki dan po jedan grad . Blizi smo varijanti da idemo iz Tokya svaki dan , iako nam to niko ne savjetuje jer bi nekih dana bili po desetak sati u vozovima .

Ako sve bude po planu u proljece 2014 planiramo posjetiti Hokaido i Okinavu ali do tada ima jos vremena .

ocarani smo Japanom odnosno japancima i vracacemo se kad god budemo mogli

jos jednom hvala i Vama Dc i Vama Daniel-san

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