We have a complex itinerary for almost 5 weeks and I need advice on which plan to purchase and for how long.
- Arrive Fukuoka
day 3 travel to Hiroshima
Travel by train to Otake and return to Hiroshima
Day 5 Travel from Hiroshima station to Takahama station
( next few days we will be traveling around the countryside privately with a friend) Day 10 travel from Kochi to Awa Yamakawa station
Day 12 travel from Awa Yamakawa stion to Takamtsu
Day 14 Ferry from Takamatsu to Naoshima island
Day 18 travel to Kyoto
Day 21 day trip travel from Kyoto to Nara and back to Kyoto
Day 23 travel Kyoto to Nagoya
after stop in Nagoya continue on to Odawara train station
day 26 travel from Odawara to Hanna Sation
day 27 travel from hanna Station to Saitama
Day 28 travel from Saitama to Tokyo
travel around Tokyo by train for 7 days
Day 35 travel from Tokyo to Haneda airport.
Day 35 travel from Tokyo