Hyperdia shows saturday and holiday trains to Tottori (San-in Kaigan Geoliner) but a daily train from Tottori to Matsue (Ltd Exp Super Matsukaze 5). How can I get to Tottori on Sunday Sept 29?
Kinosakionsen to Matsue on Sunday Sept 29

Hi there!
There's a couple of options available to travel from Kinosaki-Onsen to Tottori.
You can use the San-in Kaigan Geoliner directly, this train only departs a couple of times a day though.
Alternatively you can take the San-in Line to Hamasaka and take a local train to Tottori, this route does not take much longer than the San-in Kaigan Geoliner and depart more frequently. Either way you should be in Tottori within two hours.
I hope this helps you!
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