Hi everyone,
On sunday I will go to Japan for 2 weeks.
This is my first time there and I'm trying to figure out what to see and how to get there..
I was thinking that the JR pass would be a good place to start
I am probably starting in Fukuoka and will depart from Tokyo.. (is this managable in 2 weeks?)
Than my big question is.. How do I know which stations make use of the bullet trains.. Because every time I use Hyperdia I get multple transfers only to find out later there is a better route... Now since I am still 'only' planning, that's of course okej.. But once I actually get on a train which takes 4 hours longer than neccesary, that would be a shame..
(I found out that Fukuoka's terminal is Hakata.. ) are there any more of these differents names for stations?
Thanx :)