We will be travelling in one of the busiest times of the year, but it’s when we can coordinate holidays from work. Our plan is somewhat set but also up in the air. We have some specific dates for some places as we are meeting up with friends but the rest is flexible. So using a 14 day pass:
Day 1 19/04 arrive Tokyo early am - Tokyo
Day 2 20/04 Tokyo
Day 3 21/04 Tokyo
Day 4 22/04 Disney Sea
Day 5 23/03
Day 6 24/04
Day 7 25/04
Day 8 26/04 Osaka
Day 9 27/04 Osaka
Day 10 28/04 Osaka
Day 11 29/04
Day 12 30/04
Day 13 01/05
Day 14 02/05
Day 15 03/05 depart Osaka (or Hiroshima) late afternoon.
This is not our first trip to Tokyo, so we are not looking to visit Mt Fuji, Fuji Lakes, Hakone, Nikko, Nara, Kamakura, Yokohama.
We would like to visit Kinosaki Onsen with overnight stay, Hiroshima including a full day trip to Miyajima, possibly Kyoto (we have been before but there’s always more to see) and maybe Takayama if we can. But I’m struggling to work out the best options with the days we have. Or more correctly I’m being indecisive.
Day 15 we are currently booked to fly out of Hiroshima at 6pm. But it can be changed to Osaka if we decide that works better.
Suggestions are much welcomed! Thank you.